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The Charter of European Rural Communities is searching for a new member of the Youth Co-ordination team to join the current members – Adrija Kindzule (Latvia) and Joshua Henning (Germany).


The Youth Co-ordination Team is the body within the Charter that presides over all the activities aimed at youngsters, and it is also in charge of all the connected administrative work. The YCT members help prepare the meetings and the workshops, generate meeting agendas and project timelines, and identify milestones. The team can consist of at least two to at most four members aged 18 to 30. Members are elected to office by the Presidium for a term of two years with the possibility of a re-election.


Candidate has to be a young person between 18 and 30 years of age coming from one of the member villages or municipalities of the Charter of European Rural Communities (this excludes Kandava and Hepstedt as the two remaining team members are their representatives). Candidate is not required to live there at the moment. Candidate should preferably have some Charter-related experience gained either through taking part in one of the former Charter meetings or through organising one in their own municipality.

The application process consists of two parts:

The first part consists of an open call through which candidates apply by sending the following details:

  • Description of the applicant (Relevant CV including a photo)
  • Charter Experience
  • Motivation for becoming a YCT member
  • Visions of the Charter

NOTE: everything listed above can be submitted in a video form.

Candidates can apply until the 12th of May 2024 by sending their applications to

The second part consists of an interview with the current YCT members. Only those candidates who meet the call requirements will be invited to the interviews. The interview will be held online in May. The selected candidate will have a runner up in case of withdrawal. Candidate will be proposed to the Presidium whose members will make the final decision. If the Presidium confirms the candidate they will be contacted by the YCT. The term of the new member will start after the Mayors’ meeting during the Annual Meeting in Nagycenk in July this year which they are expected to attend. 

Travel costs for YCT members will be covered by the Charter.  YCT members are automatically invited to every youth and annual meeting as an additional participant for their country.

Interested youngsters can contact Adrija ( or Joshua ( for any further questions or matters.