Friends of Europe

As the European Union grows with new member countries, our role always becomes increasingly relevant to enabling connectivity in Europe. Part of this connectivity has seen the birth and growth of the Friends of Europe Associations, which is part of our Charter.
Because of the popularity of the Charter Meetings, frequently there are many more people from the municipalities who wish to attend than there are places available. Part of the function of the Friends of Europe Associations is to arrange their groups to visit and host visits between the member municipalities and celebrate and foster friendships across Europe.
The Associations also cultivate and encourage additional programs such as exchanges of friendships, schools, sports clubs, and participation in each municipality’s festivals. Some Friends of Europe Associations also organize the selection or voting of who will be the delegates to attend the Charter Meetings.
If you wish to create your own Friends of Europe Association, you can download the Guidelines for Friends of Europe here and it will provide advice. It is also possible to contact any of the member municipalities that have this association and they will give you more advice, support, and encouragement.