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With fond memories fresh in our minds, let’s reminisce about the vibrant youth meeting held in Cissé during the last weekend of April. 

Young participants representing 18 Charter municipalities gathered in the cradle of our network for the first meeting this year. The event kicked off with an engaging French pub quiz on Thursday evening, setting the tone for an exciting programme ahead. 

Friday morning was dedicated to a workshop centered around the upcoming European elections slated for early June. Stimulating discussions ensued as participants delved into crucial topics shaping the future of Europe. Together, they brainstormed strategies to bolster voter turnout, particularly among youth and rural communities. 

In the afternoon, a visit to an olive oil factory provided valuable insights into the production process, broadening participants’ understanding of local industry. 

Evenings were not just for relaxation but also cultural exchange, with traditional culinary evening gracing the schedule on Friday night. 

Click the following link to access the photos taken in the photo booth during the culinary evening: 

Saturday morning began with a burst of energy as participants engaged in various sports activities, led by local sports teams. Basketball, badminton, and volleyball provided a dynamic start to the day. 

Following the sports session, a captivating tour of Poitiers, situated 15km from Cissé, offered a glimpse into the city’s rich history and development. 

And finally, with a bit of sadness, but a lot of great memories in our hearts, there was the last dance during the closing dinner in the evening. 

A heartfelt THANK YOU to the municipality of Cissé and the entire organising team for their warm hospitality and for making us feel at home!