Europe for Citizens Programmes
Our Projects are funded by Europe for Citizens Programme, to whom we are very grateful. Over the last number of years, these programmes have become core parts of our Small and Annual Meetings. Many of our municipalities put strong and enduring work into the participation in and development of the programmes. The results of these two-year projects are shared here.
We collectively seek to understand what it means to be European from the point of view of a small community. We do this through formal discussions and programs, for example on society, economy or the environment. The chosen topic or theme runs for two years, in which it is operated as a series of sub-themes at each meeting. It is always current and relevant to important issues trending at that time across Europe.
At the conclusion of each two year programme period, a report is detailing results and recommendations is compiled and submitted to the European Commission. In this way, all member municipalities across each EU country, and at small town level, represent the over 500 million citizens of the European Union on topics and issues relevant to all EU citizens. While rules and regulations can be implemented by the European Union that affect all of its citizens, the results of the two-year programs can provide a real-time and real-life measure of these impacts at local community level, and in this way improve the lifestyles of all EU citizens.
OUR Programs

LYCEUM Youth Programme