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Charter of European Rural Communities

Uniting Cultures, Forging Friendships

    • Organization Overview:

      • We are an organization comprising 28 towns and villages from across Europe.
      • Each town or village is represented by their municipality or council.
      • Only one town or village represents each country.
      • Our member community is unique to their own country.
      • We were founded in 1989 with 12 villages, inspired by the French village of Cissé and the European Union’s Twinning process.
      • Unlike typical twinning processes, we partner with every country in the European Union
    • Membership Expansion:

      • As the European Union has grown, so has our organization.
      • When a country joins the European Union, we invite a village or municipality from that country to become part of our family.
      • Our most recent new members are Svoge in Bulgaria and Tisno in Croatia.

Our meetings

  • People Meet People:

    • Our organization gathers multiple times each year, hosted by one of our member towns.
    • The Annual Meeting during the summer is significant.
      • Eight Youth and Adult Delegates from each member municipality represent their country.
      • The meeting spans five days.
    • Additionally, we hold smaller Adult and Youth Meetings throughout the year.
      • These are hosted by various member municipalities.
      • Four delegates from select member municipalities attend.
      • These gatherings provide a platform for celebrating culture, sharing daily life experiences, and fostering connections.
      • Each Small Meeting lasts four days.
  • Importance of Meetings:

    • These meetings serve as vital connections for European citizens.
    • They facilitate the creation and renewal of strong friendships.
    • Activities include staying with host families, which is integral to the European Charter.
      • Host families offer an immersive experience in the host country’s culture.
      • Conversations and shared daily life experiences at the kitchen table forge lifelong friendships.

Quick facts

  • Citizens for Europe Programmes:
    • These two-year programs, arranged with the European Commission, aim to explore what it means to be European from the perspective of small communities.
    • Through formal discussions and programs, we delve into topics related to society, economy, and the environment.
    • Each chosen theme runs for two years, with sub-themes addressed at each meeting.
    • The focus is on current and relevant issues trending across Europe during that time.
  • Youth Programme:

    • Like the Adult Programme, the Youth Programme also runs for two years.
    • It is managed and coordinated by the YCT.
    • The results of the Youth Programme are submitted to the European Commission.
  • Impact on Youth:

    • For participating youth, it goes beyond learning about Europe.
    • They discover that cultural differences do not create divisions.
    • They believe that hard work and cooperation can help them achieve their goals.
    • Youth become more tolerant and accepting, broadening their horizons beyond their home countries.
    • They recognize a world of opportunities beyond borders.
  • Connecting Europe:
    • As the European Union expands with new member countries, our role becomes more relevant in fostering connectivity.
    • The birth and growth of the Friends of Europe Associations are integral to our Charter, promoting friendships across the continent.
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