Charter of European Rural Communities

Uniting Cultures, Forging Friendships

    • Organization Overview:

      • We are an organization comprising 28 towns and villages from across Europe.
      • Each town or village is represented by their municipality or council.
      • Only one town or village represents each country.
      • Our member community is unique to their own country.
      • We were founded in 1989 with 12 villages, inspired by the French village of Cissé and the European Union’s Twinning process.
      • Unlike typical twinning processes, we partner with every country in the European Union
    • Membership Expansion:

      • As the European Union has grown, so has our organization.
      • When a country joins the European Union, we invite a village or municipality from that country to become part of our family.
      • Our most recent new members are Svoge in Bulgaria and Tisno in Croatia.